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Building Community

'There are no strangers here; only friends you haven't met yet.'

William Butler Yeats

Baldwin County is one of the fastest growing counties in our state and quite probably in the Southeast.  Growth at that scale is both a blessing and a curse.  And as our towns expand to become cities our communities are being absorbed and losing the individuality that made them unique places of their own.  Nationwide our farms and our communities tied to farming are experiencing long term declines.  Simply put, the small farms and farming communities are disappearing and they aren’t being replaced.  So what does that mean for a community like Barnwell that was founded by and for farmers?  How does a community like ours maintain an identity as growth pressures our community from all sides?


This is a question that has stumped community leaders and activists all across our country and there is no perfect answer.  But for the Barnwell Community Organization we believe that the best place to start is with our quality of life and our Barnwell people.  


The very thing that has drawn so many to our area can also be the thing that helps us preserve our community.Today, people and businesses can choose to live or work anywhere. Communities that cannot differentiate themselves will simply disappear. This means that quality of life is more important than ever. 


So we are working to find ways to better the community we live in.  Giving back to the place we call home helps to unite the community and builds us all up.


Enrichment projects already in the works include:


Barnwell Community Day - In the spirit of harvest season, the farming community of Barnwell hosts the annual Barnwell Community Day at the Historic School House turned Community Center, located at 13319 County Road 3.  This admission free event is being hosted by the Barnwell Community Organization to raise awareness of the efforts to restore the historic 1918 schoolhouse, known as The Barnwell Community Center, and to show appreciation for everyone who has contributed and supported those efforts thus far. Event highlights include arts & crafts vendors, bake sale, bounce houses, tractor displays, face painting, restoration updates and so much more. 

Barnwell Swag - What's a community without its own slogan and t-shirts?  Each year we produce a Barnwell themed T-Shirt to help spread the word and raise awareness of our Community.

Future Projects include:


A Little Free Library


Walking Trails

And upon completion of the building, classes, socials and community gatherings.

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